Osteopathy aims to induce and promote the body’s internal mechanisms of self-healing and self-regulation. It takes into account the relationship of body, mind and spirit in health and disease. The goal is to improve and support all aspects of health.
Osteopathic treatment can be prophylactic, curative, or supportive.
The main assumptions of osteopathy include:
– the human being is a dynamic functional unit whose health is influenced by body and mind
– if one part is changed in the system, it will affect the balance of the whole pattern
– the body has self-regulation mechanisms and heals itself in a natural way
– structure and function are interrelated
Osteopaths use manual contact to identify and evaluate movement in all structural and functional aspects.
Osteopathy is based on principles from human physiology, anatomy, embryology, and other medical sciences. Due to the complexity of the human body, there are many different techniques that are used in osteopathy.